My friend Dan has been here for a few weeks now! He is a great artist, photographer, and videographer. It is so fun for the kids to have him here. He is really introducing a lot to them all, from Photoshop to photography. He has also taken a lot of video footage of everyday life, and then at the end of the day, we sit together and watch and LAUGH. Oh, it is never a dull moment here!!! Today we all gathered in the office and laughed so hard. The kids are really getting comfortable with Dan and really enjoying his presence and humor. They are really getting to explore and learn.
I have been pretty overwhelmed this week with my job. It is like climbing a huge mountain. And now is the time that I must know the crazy big God that I serve and wait for Him to do the work in the teenagers' hearts. Some of them are so hardened and broken, and obstinent. So it is really hard to get through. But I am not going to look at the mountain, but just the next step in front of me. We'll see what happens.
this is awesome!! i love this photo too! love you guys!!!