Of course, the first thing to really hit us all was the poverty and all the children. Children were everywhere. First thing getting on the bus, we were deluged with children begging for food. Their clothing was filthy and much of it had holes and they had no shoes. We were able to interact with so many children during our time and we learned from them what simplicity means. When we were on the work site, children from miles around would come to watch us and we were able to do all sorts of things with them. We did bible stories and all sorts of activities for them. 20-30 children gathered at our site and we would play with them and sit them on our laps. They had a simplicity that we Americans really do not have much of. They found such pleasure in the little things of life. We also felt their neediness. They swarmed us at times in an overwelming way for things we didn't think twice about, like empty water bottles and stickers. They were all very close to each other, as they spent long days, outside roaming the hills with each other. Siblings who were very young, 8 or 10, took care of their younger siblings, carrying them on their backs all day.

But there was also still a simple joy in them, that the poverty had not destroyed.

That was great to see. Our team bonded with the children so quickly. We couldn't really communicate in words (although we did have translators), but it was so special to communicate non verbally, much of the time with hugs and hand shakes. We just wanted to take them all home with us.
Especially these cuties!